
This website is managed by Vastned Retail N.V. (‘Vastned’). The conditions of this disclaimer apply to this website. By logging on to this website and/or using the information provided on or through this website you declare that you agree to this disclaimer.
While Vastned endeavours to provide correct, complete and up-to-date information from reliable sources, Vastned does not offer any guarantees that the information provided on or through this website is correct, complete or up-to-date.
Vastned manages and maintains this website from the Netherlands, and therefore does not guarantee that the information provided on or through this website is suitable or available for use in other countries. If you use this website from other countries than the Netherlands, you are responsible for compliance with locally applicable legislation.
Vastned does not guarantee that this website will function flawlessly or without interruptions. Use of this website that may hinder the use of other internet users, that may jeopardise the functioning of this website and/or that may interfere with the information provided on or through this website or the underlying software, is not permitted.
Intellectual property rights
Vastned, or the entitled party, retains all the rights (including copyrights, trade mark rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights) to the information provided on or through this website (including all text, graphic material and logos). It is not permitted to copy, download or in any way disclose, disseminate or reproduce the information on this website without prior written permission from Vastned or legitimate permission from the entitled party. You may, however, print the information on this website and/or download it for your own personal use, with the exception of personal data on other people than yourself.
Online communication
All email messages, including any attachments, that Vastned sends, are intended exclusively for the addressee(s) themselves and may contain confidential information, disclosure of which is liable to punishment. If an email message is sent to a different party than the addressee(s) in error, the receiver must delete the message including any attachments immediately. Vastned would like to be informed of the error on privacy@vastned.com.
While Vastned endeavours to make its systems secure, the security of messages, including any attachments, that you send to Vastned by email cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, Vastned advises against sending confidential information by email to Vastned insecurely. If you choose to send messages by email to Vastned, you accept the risk that third parties may intercept, misuse or change these messages.
Personal data and cookies
The privacy policy and cookie policy of Vastned apply to the processing of personal data by Vastned and the cookies used on its website respectively.
Exclusion of liability
Vastned does not accept any liability for direct, indirect or immaterial damage or consequential loss (including loss of profits) that may arise in any way from, but may not be limited to (i) defects, viruses or other flaws in equipment and other software in relation to the access to or use of this website, (ii) the information provided on or through this website, (iii) interception, alteration or improper use of information sent to Vastned or to you, (iv) the functioning or unavailability of this website, (v) abuse of this website, (vi) loss of data, (vii) downloading or use of software provided through this website or (viii) third party claims related to the use of this website.
The exclusion of liability also extends to directors and employees of Vastned and its subsidiaries.
Applicable law and competent court
This website and the disclaimer are governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising from or related to this disclaimer will be exclusively heard by the competent court in the Netherlands.
If a translation is made of this disclaimer, in the event of discrepancies between the Dutch text and the translation, the Dutch text will prevail.
This disclaimer and the information provided on or through this website is subject to change. No further announcements will be made of any changes. The most recent version of this disclaimer is always available on the website. We recommend that you consult this disclaimer regularly so as to ensure that you are aware of any changes to the disclaimer.