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estate to society

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Vastned connects property, people and experiences in city centres where shopping, working, living and leisure meet


Facts about Vastned

Property portfolio value (in mln. €)

The Netherlands accounts for 38%, France for 29%, Belgium for 26% and Spain for 7% of the total portfolio value.

Occupancy rate

High occupancy rates reflect the quality of the portfolio.

Number of properties

The portfolio currently exists of 262 properties spread across 4 countries and many cities.

Number of commercial tenants

The number of commercial tenants amount to 446.

Number of residential tenants

The number of residential tenants amount to approximately 240.

Property we are proud of

Vastned invests in retail real estate in selected European cities.
Find below a selection of our high street assets.

Our properties

Property we are proud of

Vastned invests in retail real estate in selected European cities.
Find below a selection of our high street assets

Our portfolio

Vastned is committed to ESG

Our Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) topics are fully incorporated in Vastned’s mission, strategy, and organisation.

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“City centres remain popular destinations and we see that more emphasis is put on the use of space, liveability and sustainability in these areas. The long-term urbanisation trend will continue in Europe and elsewhere.”

Reinier Walta
Chief Executive Officer


Annual Report 2023

The annual integrated report of Vastned provides an overview of the most important developments during the year, its financial and non-financial performance and all other required disclosures for a listed company. It includes all EPRA reporting as well.


The growing importance of property characteristics

‘As valuers tracking the market, we are now seeing more positive activity in the cities’ core central shopping districts,’ asserts Geert Wesselink. ‘The appearance and unique features of inner-city retail properties are once again becoming important in the market and seem to be enhancing appraisal values; that is, if the properties are not excessively large.’

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Madrid: a jewel in the Vastned portfolio

Luis Vila: ‘Madrid is a major economic hub in Spain, with a diverse economy that includes finance, technology, and services. Job opportunities and business activities in the city attract people seeking employment and career advancement. It contains businesses and headquarters for the total Iberian Peninsula. Tourism, with over 10 million visitors annually and 18% growth last year, is one of the main economic drivers of the city’s economy.’

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Sustainability at the core

Cedric Bodart: ‘In 2021, we analysed the desired Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) direction and activities based on the CSRD requirements for real estate companies like Vastned. We supplemented this with our expert knowledge and looked at what Vastned’s peers were doing in specific areas. This provided the basis for animated discussions with Vastned's Executive Committee.’

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In control!

‘I am, as the saying goes, one of the Vastned veterans. I have been with the company for over 23 years,’ Jaco Euser starts the interview. ‘Some people call me ‘the company’s conscience’, and it is true that I know a lot about Vastned. But there are more colleagues with longer employment contracts, after all we are a close-knit of people. But the great thing is that we also have quite a few younger colleagues.’

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Vastned resolutions approved by EGM


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VACANCY: Asset Manager Residential / Retail


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Vastned announces agenda EGM


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Half-Year Results 2024


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Trading Update Q1 2024


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Vastned sells Rokin Plaza


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